McMaster University
Department of Religious Studies
University Hall 123
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1 Canada


updated October 2021

Education | Languages | Publications | Lectures | Conferences - Conference Sessions - Workshops | Translations | Teaching | Professional Activities | Research Funding | Affiliations


Associate Professor
Department of Religious Studies, McMaster University  

Member, MA Program in Cultural Studies and Critical Theory

Associate Member, Department of Philosophy


20th Century French and German Philosophy, Modern Jewish Thought, German-Jewish Studies


History of Modern Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Religion and Politics


Ph.D. (Humanities), Johns Hopkins University, 2001.

Research stay in Berlin and Potsdam, 1997.

M.A. (Philosophy), Johns Hopkins University, 1996.

Study and research in Paris, including the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, the Husserl Archives at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and the Universities of Paris X (Nanterre) and XII (Créteil).

1988-90. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Philosophy).

B.A. (Major: History), Oberlin College, 1987.


Native English and German. Fluent French and Hebrew. Reading knowledge of Russian.



Ethics Out of Law: Hermann Cohen and the "Neighbor" (University of Toronto Press, 2021)

Exemplarity and Chosenness. Rosenzweig and Derrida on the Nation of Philosophy (Stanford University Press, 2008)

Recipient of Symposium Book Award 2009, Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy


"'But Does He Really Not Remember?' Cohen's Revaluing of the Spinozan Politicization of Judaism" in G.W.F. Hegel und Hermann Cohen. Wege zur Versöhnung (Festschrift Myriam Bienenstock), ed. Norbert Waszek (Freiburg: Alber, 2018)

"Hermann Cohen über die Paradoxie des Gesetzes, aus den Quellen des Judentums und des Antijudaismus" in Ino Augsberg and Karl-Heinz Ladeur (eds.), Politische Theologie(n) der Demokratie. Das religiöse Erbe des Säkularen (Vienna: Turia & Kant, 2018).

"Understanding Law ('Gesetz' and 'Recht') in Hermann Cohen, with Help from the Early Strauss," in Idealistic Studies, vol. 44, no. 2/3 (Summer/Fall 2014, published June 2015), special issue on "New Directions in the Thought of Leo Strauss," ed. Jeffrey Bernstein, 263-79.

"'Plato Prophesied the Revelation': The Philosophico-Political Theology of Strauss's Philosophy and Law and the Guidance of Hermann Cohen," in Randi Rashkover and Martin Kavka (eds.), Judaism, Liberalism, and Political Theology (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2014), 66-107.

"Das Messianische bei Levinas und Rosenzweig," trans. Gesine Palmer, in Religion und Politik. Das Messianische in Theologien, Religionswissenschaften und Philosophien des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, ed. Gesine Palmer and Thomas Brose (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013), 167-89.

"Contested Forgiveness: Jankélévitch, Levinas, and Derrida at the Colloque des intellectuels juifs" in Elisabeth Weber (ed.), Living Together: Jacques Derrida's Communities of Violence and Peace (New York: Fordham University Press, 2012), 137-52.

"Love-of-Neighbor and Ethics Out of Law in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen" in Christian Wiese and Martina Urban, eds., German-Jewish Thought Between Religion and Politics: Festschrift in Honor of Paul Mendes-Flohr on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 83-113.

Introduction (with Aaron W. Hughes) to Special Issue: "Re-Imagining the Historical in Jewish Philosophy:  Beyond Historicization," Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, vol. 20 (2012), no. 1: vii-xi.

"A Thought in Which Everything Has Been Thought': On the Messianic Idea in Levinas," in Symposium. Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale, vol. 14, no. 2 (Fall 2010): 133-59.

"Is the Other My Neighbor? Reading Levinas Alongside Hermann Cohen," in Kevin Hart and Michael Signer (eds.), The Exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians (Fordham University Press, 2010), 90-107.

"Ethical-Political Universality Out of the Sources of Judaism: Reading Hermann Cohen’s 1888 Affidavit In and Out of Context," New Directions in Jewish Philosophy, ed. Aaron Hughes and Elliot Wolfson (Indiana University Press, 2009), 229-49.

"The Significance of Franz Rosenzweig's Retrieval of Chosenness," in Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1 (March 2009).  Special Issue: "'A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations': Universalism, Exceptionalism, and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought"

Introduction (with Joel Kaminsky) to Special Issue: "'A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations’: Universalism, Exceptionalism and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought," in Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1 (March 2009).

"Beyond the Law into the Law," in Aris Fioretos and Urs Engeler (eds.), Babel. Festschrift for Werner Hamacher (Verlag Urs Engeler, 2008), 250-57.

"Is Deconstruction a Jewish Science?  Reflections on 'Jewish Philosophy' in Light of Jacques Derrida's Judéïtés," Philosophy Today, vol. 50, no. 1 (Spring 2006), Special Issue: "Jewish Philosophy Today," ed. Claire Elise Katz.

"Buber, Cohen, Rosenzweig, and the Politics of Cultural Affirmation," Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 1 (March 2006).

German version: "Buber, Cohen, Rosenzweig und die Politik kultureller Affirmation," trans. Karen Barkemeyer and Arnd Wedemeyer, in Transversal. Zeitschrift für jüdische Studien, vol. 6 (2005), no. 1. Special Issue: "Konstellationen Jüdischer Philosophie" ("Constellations of Jewish Philosophy"), ed. Daniel Wildmann and Ulrich Wyrwa.

"Some Remarks on Love and Law in Hermann Cohen's Ethics of the Neighbor" in Journal for Textual Reasoning, vol. 4, no. 1 (November 2005).  Special Issue: "The Ethics of the Neighbor."

"Levinas, Emmanuel," The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, 2nd ed., ed. Michael Groden, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004).

Reprinted in: Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory. The Johns Hopkins Guide, ed. Michael Groden, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012)

"On the Significance of the Messianic Idea in Rosenzweig," CrossCurrents, vol. 53,  no. 4 (Winter 2004).

"Messianische Gespenster," trans. Arnd Wedemeyer, Die Philosophin. Forum für Philosophie und feministische Theorie, no. 21 (2000).

"Puncturing Genres: Barthes and Derrida on the Limits of Representation," Panorama. Philosophies of the Visible, ed. Wilhelm S. Wurzer (New York/London: Continuum, 2002).

"Franz Rosenzweig on Nation, Translation, and Judaism," Philosophy Today (Winter 1994).

Online Publications

"What a recent controversy about Israel's chief military rabbi nomination can tell us about the relationship of Jewish law and ethics." Written conversation with Rabbi Yonah Lavery-Yisraëli posted on her personal blog (November 22, 2016).

"The Political Theology Syllabi Project: Dana Hollander." Blog post on Political Theology Today (April 24, 2014), part of a series edited by Vincent Lloyd.

Journal Issues

Guest Editor (with Aaron W. Hughes), of Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, vol. 20 (2012), no. 1: "Re-Imagining the Historical in Jewish Philosophy:  Beyond Historicization"

Guest Editor (with Joel Kaminsky), Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1 (March 2009).  Special Issue: "'A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations': Universalism, Exceptionalism, and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought"

Guest Editor, Journal for Textual Reasoning, vol. 4, no. 1 (November 2005).  Special Issue: "The Ethics of the Neighbor."


"Languages of 'Law' in Isaac Breuer," presented at panel on "Isaac Breuer's Political Theory: State, Sovereignty, and Law," Association for Jewish Studies Annual Meeting (online), December 2020.

"Neighbor-Love as an Object of Protection? Hermann Cohen and Secularized Blasphemy Law," presented at Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto (online), September 2020.

"The Stakes of Neighbor-Love in Hermann Cohen's Ethics and Philosophy of Judaism," Katholische Akademie Berlin, June 2019.

"The Stakes of Neighbor-Love in Hermann Cohen's Ethics and Philosophy of Judaism," presented at "Hatred and Love: Jewish Conceptions of Personal Hatred and Public Love in Antiquity and Modernity," Chicago Center for Jewish Studies, University of Chicago, June 2018.

Respondent at Panel on "Methodological Boundaries and the Field of Rabbinics: Interruptions from Philosophy," Association for Jewish Studies Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 2017.

"Neighbor-Love as an Object of Protection: Hermann Cohen and Secularized Blasphemy Law," Colloquium of the Zentrum Jüdische Studien (Center for Jewish Studies) Berlin Brandenburg, July 2017.

"Neighbor-Love as an Object of Protection: Hermann Cohen and Secularized Blasphemy Law," Interfakultärer Studiengang Religionswissenschaft (Interfaculty Programme for the Study of Religion), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, May 2017.

"'But Does He Really Not Remember?' Cohen's Revaluing of the Spinozan Politicization of Judaism," at: "Judaism in Modern Philosophy: Spinoza, Hermann Cohen, and the Legacies of German Idealism," Princeton University, April 2016.

"Isolation and Universalism: Hermann Cohen's Messianic Politics." Keynote address, Midwestern Inter-University Workshop in Jewish Studies (organized by graduate students from University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and Indiana University): "Messianism," Northwestern University, January 2016.

"Hermann Cohen's Epistemologies of Philosophy and Judaism: The Meaning of 'Source,'" at: "How Jews Know. Epistemologies of Jewish Knowledge," Freie Universität Berlin, June 2015.

"Hermann Cohen: Philosophico-Talmudic Generation of Ethics In the Face of Anti-Talmudic Agitation," at: "Talmud, And, Philosophy," Institute of Jewish Thought & Heritage, University at Buffalo, April 2015

"Hermann Cohen on the Paradox of 'Gesetz' Out of the Sources of Judaism and Anti-Judaism," at: "Politische Theologie(n) der Demokratie. Das religiöse Erbe des Säkularen" ("Political Theology/-ies of Democracy. The Religious Legacy of the Secular"), Universität Hamburg, November 2014.

"Hermann Cohen on Ethical Subjectivity and the Legal Institution of the Neighbor," Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University, March 2014.

"Legality and the Foreigner: Cohen's Elaboration of Law (Gesetz) as a Function of Universalist Messianic Politics," Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, December 2013.

"Hermann Cohen on Law and Politics, from the Ethics to the 'Jewish Writings,'" Yale Colloquium in Jewish Thought, Yale University, September 2013.

"Understanding Law ('Gesetz' and 'Recht') in Cohen, With Help From the Early Strauss." Lecture for workshop "Souveränität und Gesetz. Zum Gegenentwurf einer jüdischen Politischen Theologie," at SFB 804 - "Transzendenz und Gemeinsinn," Technische Universität Dresden, January 2013.

"A Morally Inflected Legal Positivism? Hermann Cohen's Methodological Foundation of Ethics in Law," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), Rochester, November 2012.

"Understanding Law ('Gesetz' and 'Recht') in Cohen, With Help From the Early Strauss." Special Session sponsored by the Hermann Cohen Society, Congress of the International Rosenzweig Society, University of Toronto, September 2012.

"'Plato Prophesied the Revelation': The Philosophico-Political Theology of Strauss's Philosophy and Law and the Guidance of Hermann Cohen," Association for Jewish Studies, Washington, D.C., December 2011.

"Love-of-Neighbor and Ethics Out of Law in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen," presented in the "Just Theory" guest lecture series, Department of Comparative Literature, University at Buffalo, September 2011.

"Hermann Cohen and the 1888 Marburg Antisemitism Trial," Workshop on "The Universal and the Particular: Experiences of European Jews Since the Enlightenment Beyond Minority History," Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes, Université de Montréal, December 2009.

"Debating the Criminalization of Blasphemy and the 'Protection' of Minority Religions: Section 166 of the German Criminal Code," American Academy of Religion, Montreal, November 2009.

Presentation on book Exemplarity and Chosenness (recipient of Symposium Book Award), Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy, King's University College (London, Ontario), October 2009.

"Thinking about the Secularized Offense of Blasphemy and the Place of Religion in German Public Life," German Studies Association, Washington, D.C., October 2009.

"'A Thought in Which Everything Has Been Thought': On the Messianic Idea in Levinas," Invited Keynote Presentation, Annual Meeting of the North American Levinas Society, University of Toronto, June 2009.

"Beyond the Law into the Law?" Association for Jewish Studies, Washington, D.C., December 2008.

"Can There Be a Jewish Theopolitical? The View From Hermann Cohen," at "The Weimar Moment: Liberalism, Political Theology, and Law," University of Wisconsin, October 2008.

"Hermann Cohen on Religion and Politics," Association for Jewish Studies, Toronto, December 2007.

Response to Edith Wyschogrod, Crossover Queries. Dwelling with Negatives, Embodying Philosophy's Others for Book Session at Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), Chicago, November 2007.

"Derrida on 'Philosophical Nationality,'" "Following Derrida: Legacies," Mosaic/University of Manitoba, October 2006.

Text Seminar Leader, Collegium Phaenomenologicum: "Derrida's Pharmacy," Città di Castello (Italy), July 2006.

"'Pulled to the Limit of Judaism'? Rosenzweig on Apologetics, Judaism, and Christianity,"; Association for Jewish Studies, Washington, D.C., December 2005; and Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR), Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, York University, May 2006.

"The Messianic in Levinas and Rosenzweig" at "Politik und Religion: Messianismus in Theologien, Religionswissenschaften und Philosophien des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts," Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinde (FEST), Heidelberg, December 2005.

"The Significance of Franz Rosenzweig's Retrieval of Chosenness," at "A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations. Universalism, Exceptionalism and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought," McMaster University, May 2005.

Session Leader, Pre-Colloquium Text Seminar on Modern Texts on Jewish Chosenness and its Philosophical Implications," at "A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations. Universalism, Exceptionalism and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought," McMaster University, May 2005.

"Is the Other My Neighbor? Reading Levinas Alongside Hermann Cohen," Conference on "The Exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians," University of Notre Dame, April 2005.

"Is Deconstruction a Jewish Science?  Reflections On 'Jewish Philosophy' In Light Of Jacques Derrida's Judéïtés," Session on "Jacques Derrida's Contributions to Philosophy," Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA) Congress, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Western Ontario, May 2005.

"'Politics Performs its Salutary Mediation': Hermann Cohen's Writings on 'the Neighbor'."  Association for Jewish Studies, Chicago, December 2004.

Discussant, Text Discussion on Chapter 1 of Hermann Cohen, Ethics of Maimonides.  Society for Continental Philosophy in a Jewish Context (CPJC), Memphis, October 2004.

"Derrida and Rosenzweig: 'Philosophical Nationality' and Jewish Election." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Memphis, October 2004.

Discussant, Los Angeles Society for Continental Philosophy, session on Emil Fackenheim, June 2004.

Hermann Cohen on 'the Neighbor': Between Ethics, Politics, and Religion."  Natalie Limonick Symposium on Jewish Civilization: "The Ethics of the Neighbor," UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, May 2004.

"Hermann Cohen: 'The Neighbor.'"  Presentation at Mellon Sawyer Seminar on "The Ethics of the Neighbor," UCLA, February 2004.

Discussant, Los Angeles Society for Continental Philosophy, session on Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx, February 2004.

Response to Michael Morgan, at "The Holocaust as an Epoch-Making Event: God, the Holocaust and the State of Israel in the Writings of Emil Fackenheim," Sigi Ziering Institute - Exploring the Ethical & Religious Implications of the Holocaust, University of Judaism, December 2003.

"An Ethics of Forgiveness?  Derrida and the Debate at the 1963 Colloque des Intellectuels Juifs," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Boston, November 2003.

"Forgiving Dissent. Jankélévitch - Levinas - Derrida," presented at "Irreconcilable Differences. Jacques Derrida and the Question of Religion," University of California, Santa Barbara, October 2003.

Panel Participant in Symposium on "Jacques Derrida: The Last and Least of the Jews," UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, April 2002.

Participant in Seminar on "Franz Rosenzweig and Political Theology: Universalism, Particularism, Exceptionalism," UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, April 2002.

"Rosenzweig's Reception of the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen: Individuality, the Infinitesimal, and Election," Colloquium on the Thought of Franz Rosenzweig, Northwestern University, April 2002.

"The Remnant of Messianism: Rosenzweig and Political Theology," Department of Religious Studies, McMaster University, March 2002.

"Translating Remnants: Effects of German Jewry," Department of Germanic Languages, UCLA; and Department of Germanics, University of Washington, January 2002.

"The Remnant of Messianism: Rosenzweig and Political Theology." Workshop Participant in Conference on "Political Theologies," Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam, June 2001.

"Buber, Cohen, Rosenzweig, and the Politics of Cultural Affirmation." Seminar on Jewish Hermeneutics and Philosophy, UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, November 2000; Department of Religion, Columbia University, March 2001; Ray D. Wolfe Lecture, Jewish Studies Program, University of Toronto, April 2001.

"Derrida on Philosophical Nationality." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, State College, Pennsylvania, October 2000.

"Derrida on the Philosophical Ambition of Cultural Affirmation." Program for Liberal Studies, University of Notre Dame, January 2000; Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of Tulsa, February 2000.

"Why Is Dasein Historical?" Philosophy Colloquium on "Heidegger and the Task of Thinking." Towson University, November 1998.

"Derrida's Early Considerations of Historicism and Relativism." Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, February 1998.

"Reversed Battlefronts Revisited: Rosenzweig on Cohen and Heidegger" (presented at session organized on "Intersections of Neo-Kantianism and Phenomenology"). Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1997.

"Specters of Messiah," presented at the International Philosophical Seminar (Topic: "Reading Specters of Marx"), Castelrotto (Italy), July 1997, and at the Department of Philosophy, Trinity College, Hartford, March 1999.

"Derrida's 'Europe' and the Discourses of Jewish Marginality." International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Mobile, May 1997.

"Is Deconstruction a Jewish Science?" Presentation at "The Changing of the Avant-Garde: Jewish Thought at the Millenium," Baltimore Hebrew University, April 1997, and at the Department of Philosophy, University of Nevada, Reno, April 1999.

"Les neutralités de Carl Schmitt." Presentation at Jacques Derrida's research seminar "Philosophie et sciences sociales," Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, March 1995.

"Franz Rosenzweig on Nation, Translation, and Judaism." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, New Orleans, October 1993.

"Puncturing Genres: Barthes, Derrida, and the Limit of Representation." International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Pittsburgh, May 1993.


"Philosophy" (two sessions) at Hamilton Beit Midrash, Hamilton, Ontario, August 2020.

"Jewish Philosophy" (two sessions) at Hamilton Beit Midrash, Hamilton, Ontario, August 2018.

"The 'Jew in the Showcase': Interpreting a Museum Exhibit and Its Media Representations," at the Limmud.de Festival, May 2014.

"Hermann Cohen, the 1888 Marburg Antisemitism Trial, and §166 of the German Criminal Code," at the Limmud.de 2013 Festival held outside Berlin, Germany. May 2013.

"The Philosophy of Hermann Cohen: Ethics, Law, Love-of-Neighbor," Annual Rabbi Michael and Celia Stroh Lecture, Temple Har Zion, Thornhill, Ontario, December 2012.

Presentation to Na'amat Canada, Hamilton (Ontario) Chapter, on "German Judaism" and Jewish Life in Germany, January 2012.


"Thinking with Rabbinics - Next Steps." Workshop held at the Center for Jewish Civilization, Georgetown University, December 2017 (Co-Convener, with Chaya Halberstam).

"Thinking with Rabbinic Texts." Workshop held at Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies, Boston University, December 2015 (Co-Convener, with Chaya Halberstam, Randi Rashkover, and Yonatan Brafman).

"Is There a 'Legal Turn' in Jewish Philosophy?" Roundtable Discussion, Association for Jewish Studies, Baltimore, December 2014.

"Hermann Cohen on Law, Ethics, and Judaism," Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, December 2013.

International Workshop: "Religion and Law. Religious Difference and the Problem of Religious Neutrality in Democratic Legal Cultures," at Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (Center for Literary and Cultural Research), Berlin, May 2013 (Co-Convener, with Stephan Steiner and Martin Treml).

Workshop on Jacob Taubes, at Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (Center for Literary and Cultural Research), Berlin, February 2011 (Co-Convener, with Martin Treml, Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink, and Arnd Wedemeyer)

"Interpreting (Jewish) Religion in German Law," German Studies Association, Washington, D.C., October 2009.

Conference: "Jewish Philosophy: Past Approaches, New Directions," McMaster University, and King's University College (London, Ontario), April 2009. (Co-Convener, with Aaron Hughes and Antonio Calcagno)

"Blanchot and Levinas," Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Continental Philosophy in a Jewish Context, Pittsburgh, October 2008.

Annual Meeting of the Levinas Research Seminar: "History and Memory," McMaster University, March 2007. (Co-Convener, with Oona Eisenstadt)

Colloquium: "A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations. Universalism, Exceptionalism and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought," McMaster University, May 2005. (Co-Convener, with Annette Yoshiko Reed)

"Judaism and the Politics of Alterity" and "Text Discussion: Hermann Cohen, 'Ethics of Maimonides,'" Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Continental Philosophy in a Jewish Context, Memphis, October 2004.

"Franz Rosenzweig and Continental Philosophy."  Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Memphis, October 2004. (Co-organizer, with Gregory Kaplan)

"Approaching Forgiveness. Améry - Levinas - Derrida."  Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Boston, November 2003.

"Beginning With the End: Thinking Origins and Eschatology." International Association for Philosophy and Literature (Theme: "Beginnings"), Atlanta, May 2001.

"Intersections of Neo-Kantianism and Phenomenology." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1997. (Co-organizer, with Arnd Wedemeyer)


Hermann Cohen, selection from Ethics of Pure Will, in Walter Benjamin, Toward the Critique of Violence. A Critical Edition, ed. Peter Fenves and Julia Ng (Stanford University Press, 2021).

Co-Translator, Jacques Derrida, "Interpretations at War" in Psyche: Inventions of the Other, vol. 2, ed. and trans. Peggy Kamuf and Elizabeth Rottenberg (Stanford University Press, 2008)

Jacob Taubes, The Political Theology of Paul (Stanford University Press, 2004).

Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, "Woman: The Most Precious Loot in the 'Triumph of Allegory': On the Function and Appearance of Gender Relations in Walter Benjamin's Passagenwerk," in Herta Nagl-Docekal and Cornelia Klinger (eds.), Continental Philosophy in Feminist Perspective. Re-Reading the Canon in German (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000).

Elisabeth Weber, "Willfulness - Eigensinn," in Laurence A. Rickels (ed.), Acting Out In Groups (University of Minnesota Press, 1999).

Hent de Vries, "Levinas," in Simon Critchley and William R. Schroeder (eds.), Companion to Continental Philosophy (Blackwell, 1998).

Werner Hamacher, "One 2 Many Multiculturalisms," in Hent de Vries and Samuel Weber (eds.), Violence, Identity, and Self-Determination (Stanford University Press, 1997).

Alexander García Düttmann, "On Translatability" in Qui Parle 8:1 (Fall/Winter, 1994).

Werner Hamacher, "Amphora (Extracts)," in Assemblage 20 (April 1993).

Werner Hamacher, "Afformative, Strike," in Cardozo Law Review 13:4 (December 1991), reprinted in Andrew Benjamin and Peter Osborne (eds.), Walter Benjamin's Philosophy (Routledge, 1994).


Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, McMaster University, 2007-   (Assistant Professor, 2002-2007):


Introduction to Judaism (Winter 2019)
God and Philosophy (Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2021)
Religion and Politics (Winter 2014, Winter 2015, Winter 2016, Winter 2018, Winter 2019, Winter 2020, Fall 2020; crosslisted with Department of Political Science)
Continental Philosophy of Religion (Fall 2011, Winter 2015; crosslisted with Department of Philosophy)
Sovereignty and Secularization (Winter 2009, Fall 2011, Fall 2012)
Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy (Winter 2018; crosslisted with Department of Philosophy)
Modern Jewish Thought (Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Winter 2014; crosslisted with Department of Philosophy)
God, Reason, and Evil (Winter 2003, Fall 2005, Winter 2012, Fall 2015)
Skepticism, Atheism, and Religious Faith (Fall 2002, Fall 2007, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2017)
Topics in Western Religious Thought: Phenomenology and Theology (Winter 2010)
Topics in Western Religious Thought: Spinoza, Kant, Mendelssohn (Fall 2006)
Inquiry in the Social Sciences: Why Remember the Past? (Winter 2020, offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences)
Independent Study: The (Theo-)Political: Recent Continental Approaches (Fall 2008)
Independent Study: Self and Other (Department of Philosophy; Winter 2003)
Independent Study: The Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas (Department of Philosophy; Winter 2005)
Independent Study: Judaism and the (Theo-)Political (Department of Philosophy; Winter 2009)
Independent Study: Forgiveness - Atonement - Reconciliation (Department of Philosophy, Winter 2012)
Independent Study: Rosenzweig and Levinas (Arts & Science Program, Fall 2012)
Independent Study: Forgiveness - Atonement - Reconciliation (Fall 2014)

(Note: from 2006 to 2018, the graduate seminars listed below were crosslisted in the MA Program for Cultural Studies and Critical Theory.)

Issues in the Study of Religions (Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
Forgiveness - Reconciliation - Resentment (Fall 2019)
Theories of Judaism and Jewishness (Fall 2018)
Thinking Time and History (Fall 2017)
On and Around Derrida (Winter 2016)
The Theopolitical in Continental Philosophy and Jewish Thought (Fall 2013)
Forgiveness - Atonement - Reconciliation (Winter 2012, Fall 2014)
Rosenzweig and Levinas (Winter 2010, Fall 2012)
Judaism and the (Theo-)Political (Winter 2009)
The (Theo-)Political: Recent Continental Approaches (Fall 2008)
Creation Revelation Redemption (with Aaron Hughes, Winter 2007)
Heidegger and Derrida (Winter 2006)
The Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas (Winter 2005, Fall 2007)
Topics in Modern Jewish Thought (Fall 2004, Fall 2006)
Messianism and Ethics (with Travis Kroeker, Winter 2003)
The Philosophy of Jacques Derrida (Fall 2002) 

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University, 2001-2002:


Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2001)


Topics in 20th Century Continental Philosophy: Self, Other, and Community (Fall 2001)
19th Century Philosophy (Fall 2001)
Topics in European Philosophy: Derrida and Levinas (Spring 2002)
Hegel (Spring 2002)

Lecturer/Ray D. Wolfe Fellow, Department of Philosophy/Jewish Studies Program, University of Toronto, 2000-2001:


Self and Other: Phenomenological and Dialogical Approaches (Seminar in the History of Philosophy) (Fall 2000)
Jewish Philosophy (Spring 2001)
The Philosophy of Jacques Derrida (Individual Study, Spring 2001)

Visiting Instructor, Department of Philosophy, University of Nevada - Reno, Spring 1999:


19th Century Continental Philosophy


Selected Topics in Philosophy: Modern Jewish Thought
Selected Figures in Philosophy: Jacques Derrida

Instructor, "Modern Jewish Thought," Humanities Center and Department of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, Fall 1998. 

Coordinator, Honors Program in Humanistic Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 1995-1997.

Teaching Assistant, Humanities Center and Department of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 1991-1995:

Assistant Teacher of German and German Tutor for Oberlin College Developmental Services. 1985-87.


Member, Editorial Board (2012- ), Rosenzweig Jahrbuch / Rosenzweig Yearbook.

Member, Editorial Board (2011-2021) and Managing Editor (2005-2011), Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy.

Member, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grants Committee (Classics, Philosophy, Medieval and Religious Studies), 2016.

Peer Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grants, 2012- .

College of Reviewers, Canada Research Chairs Program, 2004- .

Member, Aid to Scholarly Publications Committee, Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2008-11.

External Assessor, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant Applications.

Manuscript/Submissions Reviewer: Fordham University Press; Continuum Publishers; Northwestern University Press; SUNY Press; Routledge; Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy Annual Meeting; Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy; Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy; Society and Space; Journal of Religion; Religions; British Journal for the History of Philosophy; Leo Baeck Institute Year Book.

Vice President (2004- ); Program Coordinator (2003-4 and 2007-8) and Webmaster, Society for Contemporary Jewish Philosophy.  See http://cpjc.mcmaster.ca.

Book Review Editor, Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française, 2003-8.

Editorial Assistant, MLN (Modern Language Notes), Comparative Literature Issue, 1993-94 and 1999-2000.

Graduate Assistant, Electronic Text and Imaging Center, Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University, 1993-94.

Graduate Representative, Library Advisory Committee, Johns Hopkins University, 1996-2000.


Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP) Publication Grant (Federation for the Humanities & Social Sciences) for publication of Ethics out of Law: Hermann Cohen and the "Neighbor" by University of Toronto Press. March 2019.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant for project "Talmud and Philosophy: Toward a Redefinition of the Role of Rabbinics in Jewish Studies." Co-Applicant: Chaya Halberstam (King's University College at Western University). 2018-20.

McMaster Incentive Grant, 2017-18

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Fall 2015.

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Fall 2014.

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Fall 2012.

Guest Fellow, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (Center for Literary and Cultural Research), Berlin, May-June 2012.

Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2010-13 (15 months).  Host institution: Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (Center for Literary and Cultural Research), Berlin.

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Fall 2009.

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Spring 2009.

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Spring 2006.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant for project "Hermann Cohen on the Neighbor: Ethics, Religion, and Law," 2006-2011.

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Fall 2005.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences.  Grant to support workshop "A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations: Universalism, Exceptionalism, and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought," 2005.

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Fall 2004.

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Mellon Sawyer Seminar: "The Ethics of the Neighbor," UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, 2003-2004. 

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, Spring 2004.

Arts Research Board, Grant-In-Aid to support production of Jacob Taubes, The Political Theology of Paul, McMaster University, 2003.

Arts Research Board, Conference Travel Grant, McMaster University, 2003.

Canada Research Chairs Program, Tier 2 Chair, salary and research funding, 2003-2008.

J. Brien Key Graduate Assistance Fund award, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, for conference travel, June 2001.

Ray D. Wolfe Fellowship for Advanced Research in Jewish Studies. University of Toronto. 2000-2001.

Lady Davis Fellowship Trust, Hebrew University, 2000-2001. (declined)

Dean's Teaching Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University, 1998-99, awarded to teach self-designed course on "Modern Jewish Thought."

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Grant for Research in Germany, 1997.

Bourse Chateaubriand en Sciences Sociales et Humaines, a French Government fellowship for one year of study and research in France, 1994-95.

Oberlin College Alumni Fellowship for study in France, 1994-95.

Leopold Schepp Foundation Fellowships for graduate study, 1992-93 and 1993-94.


Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) - Association for Jewish Studies - Society for Contemporary Jewish Philosophy - Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy - Levinas Research Seminar - Internationale Rosenzweig Gesellschaft, e.V. - Hermann Cohen-Gesellschaft